Focusing on getting it right is distracting you

You think you’ll finally feel successful once you’ve gotten certified & chosen the right first offer to put out there.

Or when you have the time to fully turn your attention back to your business, which will hopefully happen now that the school year is finally over.

I have a better idea. 

My coaching group throws “getting it right” out & gets you refocused on the business you actually want, regardless of what’s normal or expected (spoiler alert: all the norms are made up). 

Coach, I’m here to show you that you can actually like yourself, trust yourself, and be kind to yourself as you grow.

(You don’t have to wait to love yourself when you “get there.”)
You can be wildly successful being who you already are. And you are meant to have everything you want. In fact, when you do it serves the world.

Laura Scout leaning a against wall mobile

You don't have to wait to feel like you've "got it figured out" until outside measures prove that true.

..No matter what those measures are: making 10k or 100k or more, sending a weekly email or launching your first group, losing the rest of the weight, having money in your savings account,  working fewer hours so you can snuggle with your baby, or blowing your partner’s mind with how much money you’ve made

Laura writing

We are going to unlearn so many disempowering messages you've learned about growing your coaching business

Ideas like:
need to do it the way I’ve been taught because surely they know better than I do. I need to get serious, I’ve got to stop winging it and I need to be more professional now that I’m at this stage. I can’t show my uncertainty, my humanity, or my flaws or they’ll know I don’t know what I’m doing and I’ll never grow to the next level.  

No more of that way of thinking.

These beliefs disempower us as CEOs of our own businesses. They are designed to have us believing that someone else is the actual expert in how we ought to be running things. My coaching group upgrades your entire approach to running your business so that you believe in your bones that your real self — including your perfectionism, doubt, uncertainty, and overthinking mind — is the only one you need to thrive as the CEO of your business. The best time to sit your real self down at the  head of the table is now, not after you’ve hit the bar you’ve set for yourself (I’m guessing you’ve had the thought thought — ).  

That’s where my coaching comes in. This is my passion — showing you that you already are the best possible CEO for your business.

We're going to shake off the thinking that you need to follow a right way of doing business and fill you up with actionable ways of being a CEO that are unapologetically your own.

You’re ready to make a lot of money in your business. Your own money, not your husband’s or partner’s or ex’s money. You want all of this but feel blocked because you think you’ve got to polish up yourself, scrub away the self doubt & the second-guessing, tamp down the shame,  hide your wacky genius & your silly side, & mask your getting-it-right-perfectionism, and, perhaps most of all, learn to follow all of the business coaches’ voices you can’t stop hearing in your head.

Doing so will only slow. you. the. f*ck. down

At the same time, you are taking action.

You are showing up. You are helping your clients. You are constantly working on your own growth.
But it feels tenuous & exhausting.

You are going to stop hearing all of the business coaches' voices that are kinda yelling at you in your head

You’ll no longer feel like you’re “breaking the rules” 

or need permission to go wild in your own business. 

Because it’s YOUR business and wanting to do it your own way is not going to slow down your incoming clients.

It’s going to do the opposite:

Turn on the full flowing faucet of clients & money that you’ve been dreaming of.

You think...

I’ll just do it this way until I’ve hit six figures. 

I can be myself once I’ve established myself and made some real money.

I’ve got to clean up my uncertainty before I try to market my coaching. 

I want my business to fit who I really am, but I want to be successful more.

In a few years, I’ll feel like I’ve made it and then I swear I’ll for sure let my freak flag fly, but I’m not there yet…

If I go rogue & follow my own way, I’ll lose clients.

Laura on her laptop

You aren’t sure how to make the growth in your business that you envision and be an imperfect human being at the same time.

You’re certain that there’s a place where you need to get to that will change everything — it might be 100k, it might be 10 clients, it might be 10k months, it might be less drama in your marriage, as a parent, as a woman CEO, as a leader in the coaching community.

But you think there’s GOT to be a place you can get to where you finally feel legit, feel ok, feel like, “I’ve made it.”


Not really, not in the way you think

I help you “get there” by unlearning a bunch of crap that you've been taught along the way. Beliefs you thought would make it easier to grow your business, but are actually slowing you down.

My group focuses on a few deceptively simple shifts that empower you to grow your business in a far more natural, ease-filled, engaging way that fits you. You notice all of the success you’ve already created — all of the decisions, actions, results, and shifts that are behind you already, but that you’ve been ignoring. You start connecting with what you really want and building your business to match that, even if it doesn’t fit what your mentors say is The Way to Do It (they aren’t wrong — their way may work for some people; it just doesn’t feel quite right for you anymore). You come away from our coaching sessions realizing that you feel motivated to take action in the ways you want to, not how you should. You know what happens when you do that? You feel relaxed and engaged with your business. It feels easy. Your creativity flows because your genius is lit the f up. And this permission slip feeling gives you momentum — allowing you to help so many. more of your people in your best fit ways. 

Laura S writing

Belonging to this group:

Creates a steady flow of clients into your business         

Your obvious enjoyment  &engagement with your own business is attractive to your people

Has you listening to your inner wisdom above all else 

That underlying fear of/ desire to break the rules?  That’s your inner genius. Listen to her.

Shows you all the ways you’re already doing it “right” in a way that sticks

You’ve already created way more of what you want than you think. You can relax in your business.

Clarifies that none of what you think is a problem. Except the shaming voice. That’s getting kicked out.

You spend time sharing your genius instead of worrying that you’re “overthinking.”

Clears away the uncertainty and anxiety and reveals your overflowing vat of innovative ideas.

Your ideas are already impactful and important.

Shows you the simplest way forward toward your most fulfilled, joyful life. 

Making decision is simple AF once you do this work.

After 6 months in Laura’s group, I feel confident in my ability to coach anybody on anything. I am so much more calm and confident. The inspiration, motivation and support I felt from Laura and the other coaches delighted me. I learned just as much from the coaches that were “ahead” as well as those “behind”. During our six months together, I created over $40,000 in my business, lost ten pounds, and really improved my self-trust and self-compassion.

Ellen Torreyson



My next group isn't open for enrollment quite yet. If you'd love to belong to a community of women coaches who are committed to being authentic, having heaps of fun and unapologetically making money, add your name to my wait list.

You'll be the first people to know when I open my next group Click the button to be added to my waitlist.

Filling out the application provides relief for your brain, shifts your thinking about what’s possible, and clarifies what it is you REALLY want!

In this coaching group, I teach you how to think differently about who you are, the work you’ve already done, what you truly want, and the ease with which you can create it.

You’ll finally give yourself unlimited, unapologetic permission to create a business that fits you. Permission to experiment. Permission to explore with curiosity. Permission to play again within your brilliant coaching practice. The creativity you bring to your coaching is invited into the business side. You’re capable of knowing & creating exactly what you want. You know what happens then? You take actions that fit you and how you want to run your business. You make bold, unconventional decisions; you do the uncomfortable things you’ve ruminated about for days (or, let’s be real, weeks); you feel open, engaged, and dare I say kind of like you’ve rekindled the romance with your coaching business. You find yourself wanting to spend time working on the business side of your business (what is this sorcery you may ask at that point). You stop ruminating about your business during your off time, which means that you are much less relaxed, rested, and energized in your whole damn life. 

I’ve gathered everything I’ve learned as a coach, CEO, professor, teacher, and human into my coaching practice.

Each week, you get my latest, best thinking. You have my brain working on your behalf to help you reduce the . Getting coached by me is like turning the dimmer switch way down on uncertainty, second-guessing, and self-doubt and turning up your inner voice that knew you wanted to become a coach. Remember her? Remember the feeling in her body when she first learned about coaching? She’s inside you and she’s ready to come out to play as the CEO. 

In here, you'll feel certainty, self trust, and motivation unlike you’ve ever felt. Which increases momentum, decisiveness, flow & rest. It's a completely new take on who you're "allowed" to be & what you're "allowed" to do in your coaching business.

We dismantle the secret rule book you’ve been following for so long you don’t even notice any more.  What’s left behind is the REAL you making decisions based on what you really desire in your business. It’s going to feel like we’re getting away with something illegal. But we’re not. We’re building your big juicy dream business so you can help all of the people you want to help without burning yourself out trying to fit into a box that was never yours to begin with.

How we create your Authentic AF business:

Live Event

We will come together– this round virtually– for two days of teaching, learning, deciding, and coaching. You’ll (re)discover and capture your genius ideas, dive deep into your authentic desires, and create your Authentic AF vision based on what you learn during the live event. We front load strategies and processes you’ll practice applying for the next 6 months to support you creating exactly whatever the f*ck you want your business to look like. You leave our time together feeling motivated and fired up. You’re ready to integrate the real you into your CEO self & business at a level you’ve never even considered before. Your mind feels slightly dazed by this, but you also know in your bones that this is exactly what you’ve been seeking as you started making serious money. You are ready to dive head first into the next 6 months growing your business and you feel certain that things are going to BLOW UP in all kinds of unexpectedly delightful ways because there’s a new CEO in town: the REAL you

Weekly Group Coaching

We meet weekly via Zoom for live coaching. Be prepared to think “THAT CALL WAS WORTH 10K” every week, because that’s what happens in this group. You can get coached on anything –there are ZERO RULES about what we coach on because if it’s on your mind, it’s impacting everything. We add new tools, troubleshoot obstacles, celebrate wins, decisions, study success and evaluate and learn from the action and rest you’re taking in your life and business. This is your opportunity to deep clean your brain, learn more about what supports your growth, and ignite whatever you’re creating. You will learn processes to support you in championing exactly who you are right now, see your success, and embrace your unique brain as exactly the right one to create what you want. We create whatever we want in the Laura Scout coaching group — there are no rules about what your life or business should look like other than ensure it’s what YOU. It will immediately become your favorite hour of the week. 

Private Facebook Group

In the private Facebook group, you’ll be reminded on a daily basis that you belong, you’re not alone, you’ve got a team of real women coaches on your side, and you’re a leader in this community of coaches. While there are no rules about participation in this group (because: no rules), many mastermind members find this to be an incredible source of unlimited brilliant coaching and yet another vehicle for normalize ALL the things that come up with tapping into your authentic CEO self. What happens in this group stays in this group, 24/7. I’m the passionate leader of this group.

Leaders & Learners

A fundamental belief of this Mastermind is that everyone here is a leader and a learner. You will 100% believe that you are “ahead” and “behind” of other coaches, which is part of the magic of being in the group. This is NORMAL and it’s not a problem. I guide you repeatedly to see how you are learning from those you believe are “behind” you & you are teaching those you believe are “above” you. This allows your brain to be confused about that hierarchy that you made up. The more you’re able to see yourself as both a learner and a leader — in any situation depending on what YOU want to get out of/put into the situation — the more powerful your growth. This brain retraining is worth the price of admission alone. 

A Money Back Guarantee

This 6 month group coaching program is an important investment in your future. One of the core principles of this group is that every client gets what she came for. I am certain that every client will thrive here and include a money back guarantee to demonstrate that. Get everything you came for or I will refund your investment.

What my clients say...

“As a new coach, she immediately made sense to me when she talked about coach brain and learning how to manage that alongside all the other roles that I play.”

“I felt real sisterhood and like I could grow in this really safe environment. There was no judgment. I signed my first two clients within the first months working with Laura!”

“While in the 6-month group, I lost 10 pounds, created over $40k in my business, and really improved my self-trust and self-compassion. This group is the best way to solidify your self-concept as a coach!”

“I really went from having no clients and no confidence in my abilities, to having paying clients. And I believe now I’m a damn good coach. I totally recommend in any capacity to work with Laura. It’s worth every penny!”


Yup. You can get coached on anything that you need in this group. Authentic AF will uncover any obstacle in your way that’s blocking you from believing the real you is the most powerful version of you. No matter what area you work on, you build the skill of recognizing your inner authority. The ripple effect of this will show up in other areas of your life in a way that will surprise and delight you.

Yes, everyone in Authentic AF gets what they came for and beyond. 

The FB group provides community, connection, and support 24/7. When you ask for coaching, you’ll be supported by a community of coaches who get it. Belonging to this private group of coaches provides you with an incredible community that already believes in you.

Many coaches who join this group feel nervous about being coached in front of others but also know deep down that being in a group setting is the kind of growth they are seeking. Showing up authentically in this private group helps members build the skill of showing up for their own audiences and clients. Feeling anxious about this is a sign you will benefit profoundly from the experience. The discomfort comes from judging yourself. Group coaching provides a safe way to bring it all to the surface so that you can then market and share your authentic self 10x more powerfully and call in your people. It also helps you to show up as yourself in your personal relationships in a profound way that transforms them. Most of all, you show yourself that you deserve the fierce support and expert coaching that is available in this group.

Nope. You can successfully sell any kind of coaching. All that’s required is that you manage your beliefs about who you are and what you offer. We take care of that in the group. You’ll be amazed at the belief you have in yourself, your coaching, and your business after just the live event. And then you have 6 months to continue applying your new beliefs.

You can if you want to suffer unnecessarily believing you’re the only coach who thinks this way. Otherwise, join us. The group eliminates that false thinking very quickly and the relief you feel pouring over you each week calms your central nervous system down and allows you to access your highest level thinking quickly and easily. We normalize the idea of support and coaching, which has the additional benefit of helping you authentically sell your own coaching! You are walking the walk as you show up for yourself in our group.

This is unlike any other program — 1:1 or group — in the industry. I bring everything I’ve learned as an intuitive, rapid-fire, effective teacher and coach to this group. I’ve thought of everything that is blocking you from feeling your success already, honoring what you want, liking yourself as you grow, and integrating your authentic CEO self into your growth based on what YOU want, NOT on any one else’s rules (or your brain’s internal “should” programming, which we will identify and dismantle if it turns out you hate it).

Making this decision will save years of self-doubt, second-guessing, and spinning in a lack of self-trust. The ROI on investing in your most important asset — your brain and your habitual patterns of thinking about who you are — is the most efficient use of your money. Investing this money now will mean you’ll make your scaling decisions based on your AUTHENTIC self and your real desires, not based on what you think you should be doing as you grow. This alone will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of course correcting your business. Learning to stop the self criticism and integrate your real AF CEO identity makes all of your future investment decision easier. It’s like cresting a hill on a long bike ride. The ride down will have twists and turns, but you’ll have the momentum of genuinely liking yourself, fully trusting yourself, and knowing who you are and that you were meant to do this work. Its fucking priceless. 

While are beneficial, I now value group 100x more than 1:1 for my own growth.
Authentic AF provides something that you cannot get anywhere else, including 1:1 coaching:

  • a continual reminder that you are not alone,
  • a deep connection with like-minded women coaches,
  • normalization of Coach Brain –the particular ways that coaches’ brains like to think,
  • consistent coaching on your blind spots (you can’t request coaching on your blind spots because you don’t know they are there — group coaching continually uncovers them as you watch OTHERS get coached and apply it to yourself with curiosit

I highly recommend you attend as many calls live as possible. I also trust my clients to recognize that their work is important. In Authentic AF, you prioritize your own coaching in the way that best transforms how you show up for your clients & loved ones.

I’m as intrigued as I first was about Abbott Elementary, but I’ve still got some questions…

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