I help life coaches feel delighted about who they are right now AND who they are becoming.

I help life coaches feel delighted about who they are right now AND who they are becoming.

Laura holding books - mobile

Let me tell you my story.

I came to life coaching after a long, successful career in education. I had 2 masters’ degrees and a PhD. I achieved my career goals.

I got a coveted post-doc at the University of Michigan and spent 3 years teaching and researching. It was the perfect job.

Still I didn’t feel good about who I was.

I decided to become a high school teacher, went back to school and got certified and got a job at an amazing high school focused on equity. It was the perfect school.

I still didn’t FEEL like I’d made it. I didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere. I didn’t feel like I was living my most fulling, powerful life. Yet.

laura standing outside

No matter what I did, my excitement over the achievement was temporary.

I’d go back to my usual line of thinking:

I’ll never feel legit.
There’s something wrong with me.
Everyone else knows what they are doing.
Will I ever feel like I’ve figured it out?

And then, I stumbled upon life coaching.

I immediately recognized its power.
This was the secret sauce I’d been searching for.
I got lots of coaching.

I realized that the reason that no achievement I’d ever hit -- no bar, no matter how high -- made me feel successful was NOT because I hadn't found the right achievement.
It was because of my beliefs about myself.

I got to work changing my thoughts & feelings about who I am. 

It changed everything.

I began to trust my own decisions. Listen to my inner truth. Be kind to myself even when I fail. And really, truly, feel proud of myself. As I already am. I finally started feeling LEGIT just as I am — with all my messy imperfections.

It felt incredible.

Such relief.
Such gratitude for myself.
Such radical self acceptance.
Profound self trust.
Fierce self love.

Laura S writing

This allowed me to grow fast.

Personally and professionally.

I got remarried to the man of my dreams; certified to be a life coach; launched my coaching business; retired from 27 years of teaching; recovered from a stroke; earned more than I’d ever made in my 1st full year in business; crossed the 6 figure mark in my 3rd year.

Today, I spend my days in my zone of GENIUS.

Doing what I LOVE.
Working with clients I ADORE

Amelia Noel

Over the course of Laura’s program, I’ve fully stepped into my identity as a coach, successfully launched my coaching practice, and created $40K (!!) in my first two months since launching. More importantly, I have learned how to fully embrace my being “perfectly human” – not “perfect” – as I continue to choose to believe I can figure anything out on this journey.

Amelia Noёl

Career & Mindset Coach

I help life coaches change their beliefs about who they already are.


To trust themselves.


To have fierce self compassion and acceptance.


To create their own way as a CEO and coach instead of chasing the right way.


And as human beings, wives, & mothers.

All of this happens by changing the way they think about themselves. That’s it.

Changing how you think and feel about who you already are enables explosive growth towards whatever it is you want in your life and business.

ANYTHING you want is achievable once you learn how to think differently about who you ALREADY ARE. Right now.

No change needed other than your way of thinking about who you are.

Laura sitting on a couch

Here’s how:

The simplest, easiest, and most powerful way to create what you want in your life and business is to change your perception of who you are.

I show you what you can’t see because your brain works hard creating blind spots (all human brains are designed to do this). I show you what’s really going on in your brain that’s keeping you from trusting your decisions and doing all the things you’d like to do. I teach you how to use your self concept to drive everything you want in your life in business.

My clients experience the most delightful results:


Feeling the ease, freedom, & power of being you.


Liking who you are right now. And who you’re becoming.


Letting your authentic self drive the bus.


Trusting your own decisions.


Believing you are capable of whatever you damn well feel like creating.


Knowing that you deserve whatever it is you want.

It feels so juicy to know that all you have to do is be who you already are to be as successful as you want to be.

It’s like having your teacher surprise announce that you have recess all afternoon. Or your high school teacher surprise announce no homework. It feels so delightfully freeing.

Feeling more successful, having a bigger impact, and being more connected and fulfilled in your life and business.
By changing one thing: your thinking about who you are.
That’s it.

It’s freaking magical.

Ready to get started?

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